Thursday, August 23, 2007

Colossians Bible Study Blog Begins!

Colossians 1:1-14

Hey everyone!

I have begun a Bible study blog with my friends on my Shoutlife profile. It is a lot of fun, and I’ve decided to also post it here on my regular blog too! You’ll notice that I’m posting four at one time; this is the “archived” part of the study that we’ve already done.

After this, each Wednesday I'll post a passage, and after you read it, the blog, and the questions, then simply think about the questions or journal about them on your own. If you want to get in on the discussion, visit me on Shoutlife! (

It will give us a great way to spur each other on in the Word, with a much more casual feel than a formal class or group.We will go straight through Colossians first.

Today, let's look at Colossians 1:1-14. While many times we skim over the opening of a new letter, due to the seemingly simple list of praise and background, let's take a minute to look at Paul's intro.

He loves the people he ministers to.
He prays for them.
He expects the gospel to go forth.
He looks for the fruit of that gospel to be planted and manifested in the lives of those who hear it.

Look at verse 6. I shouldn't be amazed, but I am surprised that Paul points out that it is the "same Good News" (NLT). Are others coming along asserting that there is a "new" message?


Gnosticism is rampant...even squeezing into their church culture. And yet, while Paul confirms the reality that the real gospel message is the same gospel message it has always been, he takes time to praise God for the faithfulness of the committed believers.

And he prays for them.

Colossians 1:10-13 show us the heart's cry behind Paul's prayers - so that the believers will:- live a life worthy of their calling in Christ Jesus- please the Lord- bear fruit- grow in the knowledge of the Lord- be strengthened- joyfully praise God.

Why pray all these things for other believers?

Because we ALL have been rescued from darkness (v. 13) and brought into God's kingdom through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Amen.

So, bloggers, I challenge us all --

1. Do we pray for our fellow believers in this manner? Do we long to see these same qualities manifested in their lives?

2. Are these things from verses 10-13 present in our own lives?

3. Do we live each day in light of verse 13 - as forgiven overcomers who have an inheritance and freedom from darkness?

Be a person of praise and prayer this week. Imagine Paul's prayer is for you...and pray that the Lord will increase the measure of these areas of your life as well.



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