Thursday, August 23, 2007

Colossians 2:1-8

Colossians 2:1-8

Hey! Another installment of our Bible study blog here...hope you are enjoying going through the book of Colossians together.

This passage is a good reminder to us all to stand firm in our faith, and strong in our belief of Jesus as the Son of God -- the Messiah -- the Risen Lord.

Look at our passage for this week, Colossians 2:1-8. What sticks out to you as you read this group of verses the first time through?

To me, I see the caring, protective heart of Paul as he warns the reader to be on the alert for the schemes of this world. Paul served people and even struggled because of his great love for God, and his desire to see God's people built up in the truth and unified in Christ Jesus.

Today, as we are unified in our belief and relationship with Jesus Christ the Son of God, we stand strong against the delusions of this world...strong amidst the politically correct mantra that every path leads to heaven, and that all gods are the same. Not much different from the deception of Paul's day really. Think about his speech in Athens, as he proclaimed the "unknown God". How many times do we see programs on TV that lead us to believe that our God is unknown in parts of today's culture too?

As a leader, missionary, church planter, and Christian, Paul rejoiced in the discipline of others, and in their spiritual growth. He was excited that the seeds he helped plant were bearing good fruit.

Look at verse 8 - what deception was Paul pointing out?
* philosophy
* empty deception
* according to the tradition of men
* according to the elementary principles of the world

Questions for you:
What deception from our culture follows those same lines?
How easily can believers fall prey to the traditions of man if we are not continually seeking the Lord?


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