Thursday, November 08, 2007

Colossians Study Blog #8

Colossians 3:5-11
Lesson # 8


I pray you are following along with this group discussion of Colossians. What a powerful and necessary book of the Bible this is for all of us living in today's world. God's Word truly is timeless!

This week's lesson goes into some of the sinful desires and habits of the world. In verse 5, we are urged to "consider the members of your earthly body as dead to..." all these things. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus, and the things of this world should not have a hold on us any more.

But, do we totally conquer the temptations this side of glory? Think about the struggles with sin that you currently experience. As you seek the Lord for deliverance from that struggle, He will be faithful to free you from your sin.

We can see evidences in the church and in the Christian world of believers today who have gotten off track and involved in the things of this world such as adultery, greed, impurity, etc - which according to verse 5 "amounts to idolatry." Idolatry! Anything set above God, or put in place of our worship of God, becomes our idol.

Misplaced worship.

As followers of God, we should be careful to focus our worship on God alone.

Verses 6 reminds us that God's wrath will come to judge the sins of this world...verse 7 reminds us that we were once enslaved by those sins as unbelievers. Do you remember the times of spiritual captivity? The days before your conversion? We were ensnared, yet now we are free.

Are we living like it?

Colossians 3:8-10 reveals why we need to put away the sin of our past - we have put on the new self! We are brand new creatures in Christ Jesus who no longer look to the world for our worth, pleasure, and contentment.

Look at verse 10 very closely - what, or who, are we being conformed into the image of? Let's discuss it!


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