Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Handing it Back

There are so many times when we find ourselves at a cross road with God...for me it seems almost daily. Whenever I am having a tough moment, or making a tough decision, my knee jerk reaction seems to be the same every time. I visualize the thing (ministry, job, task, position, etc) as being held in my cupped hands as I offer it back to God, laying it once again at His feet.

The thing about ministry is this: it makes no difference to me who is in charge as long as God's mission is being done, and His will is being carried out. Whether it is me or someone else really makes no difference, because it is God who gets the glory anyhow.

As long as the "handing back" of ministry efforts and projects are done out of submission and not discouragement, life is good - if it is through discouragement, we need to "press in" instead of giving up. We can't let the thing God called us to do slip out of our hands as we offer it back to the Lord (if God intended for us to keep on with the mission) - we have to keep those hands open for Him to fill with the things He has called us to. Some of the things offered will remain, and others may well leave our grasp...and still more things might appear as a result of our submission to the Lord. Those who are submitted to the Lord, and obedient to Him, will most certainly receive increase at different points of time.

I guess the biggest "up side" to this whole rambling is the fact that God certainly has a way of keeping me on my knees, and keeping anything that He asks me to do in ministry at His feet - where it should be.

As believers, and leaders, we have to constantly remain committed to the work, and submitted to God.

Committed and submitted.

Much love in Christ,



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