Friday, February 17, 2006

Wecome to the blog!

Welcome everyone!

I am so pleased to share with you my first step into the world of blogging...while I'd probably be left in the world of 8 track tapes if left to my own interest in technology, I realize that the rest of the world probably doesn't even remember what 8 track tapes are! I have jumped head first into the world of the future bear with me as I gather speed!

What is Ministry for Life? I ask the same question from time to time. Simply put, it is a ministry that the Lord birthed in my heart years ago, and it is and will forever be a work in progress, just as I am. In an act of obedience, the ministry was birthed, and in continuous acts of obedience to the Lord, it continues to grow and develop into something much broader than I ever thought would happen. Praise Be to God for His exceedingly abundant ways!

My goal is to run after God with passionate obedience to Him, and to sit at His feet and hear His heart's desires. My life is based on a belief in God's word, and the redemptive love of Jesus Christ for all believers. My passion is found in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 - as this should be the overflow of every believer's heart.

I truly believe that God is connecting people with a passion for Him and His word throughout the world - and with each moment, we will watch Him network us in increasing measure as we collectively seek Him and His purposes throughout the globe.

God is looking for passionate, sold out Christians, who are willing to fellowship together without the shackles and constraints of the religious boxes that we find ourselves so often encased in. God is a God of worship and of truth, not of limitations and compromise. The body of Christ is a collective body of true believers found in every Christian denomination, color, and demographic - not just one group here, or one color there. We together make His people, and together, we stand for His truth.

Before I get off today's soapbox, I must ask you...what is your plumb line? What is the bottom line of your faith that you are unwilling to compromise on? I pray that it is the deity of Christ, and the truth of the Gospel. Let us put aside our ideas of carpet color and programs, and lift His Name high throughout the nations. For that is why we worship Him.

Much love in Christ,



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